Salt Lake City, UT—GOED has published a newweb pageand companioninfographicto help educate consumers on storage for their omega-3 supplements, according to a press release.

The resources are intended to extend the life and quality of omega-3 supplements, the press release explains. Consumers are advised to store their omega-3 products in a cool, dark place, and to limit the products’ exposure to air. The guide notes that a mild fishy or briny smell is normal, and not a sign of issues with safety or efficacy.

The resources also guide consumers towards products manufactured by GOED member companies, which abide by the quality standards set forth in the GOED Voluntary Monograph.

Related: GOED Updates Healthcare Practitioner Site Study: Benefits of Omega-3 on Alzheimer’s Patients Reliant on Dose Study: Fish Oil Supplements Don’t Raise Bad LDL Levels