One studyexamined the ingredient’s use in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. Radiation therapy performed on the head and neck can cause damage to the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. This mucositis is a painful inflammatory disorder that can cause swelling, redness, and ulcerations in the mouth, which can interfere with the patient’s ability to eat. In extreme cases, it can cause death.
61 patients received either 500mg BCM-95 three times daily or placebo during four weeks of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. At the beginning of the study, all patients had similar mucositis; by the end of week three, the placebo group’s mucositis had become significantly worse, while 80% of the test group remained in the “no intervention needed” stage.
There was no evidence reported that the curcumin interfered with the efficacy of the radiation therapy.
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The second studyexamined the effects on knee pain of BCM-95 versus acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, brand name Tylenol. 193 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were given either 500mg BCM-95 twice daily or 650mg acetaminophen (the equivalent of two regular strength Tylenol) over the course of six weeks.Both groups improved in pain, stiffness, and function by about the same amount, while the curcumin group had significantly fewer adverse events. The curcumin group also saw a 37.21% reduction in C-reactive protein and a 74.81% reduction in TNF-alpha, both key markers of inflammation, indicating that the curcumin hadn’t just affected pain, but had addressed inflammation.