Consumers' Plant-Based Interests:
- Nearly nine in 10 consumers reported interest in purchasing a plant-based product in the future
- 71% of consumers said they consider plant-based packaging when shopping (up from 65% in 2021)
- 61% said they would be more interested in a company if they were using products made from plants
- 69% said they favor farmers and those in the agriculture industry who make it possible to produce products and materials made from plants
- 85% were interested in purchasing plant-based personal care products
Brett Featherston, global vice president of sales of PBPC member Evanesce, added, “The majority of consumers are concerned about the environmental impact of the products they buy. They expect businesses to offer sustainable alternatives to products that are well-known to be harmful to the environment—and in many cases are willing to pay more for that sustainable product. At Evanesce, we are proud to offer locally made compostable service ware and packaging that makes it easy and affordable to be eco-friendly.”