Pterostilbene is extracted from the heartwood ofPterocarpus marsupium,also known as the Indian Kino Tree. The release notes that structurally, it is a di-methylated version of resveratrol.
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TMAO is an independent and dose-dependent risk factor for atherosclerosis and CVD, and for colorectal cancer for postmenopausal women. It is created in the body: Foods rich in lecithin, carnitine, choline, and other substances are converted by the gut microbiota and a hepatic enzyme into Trimethylamine and then into TMAO.In the study, pterostilbene was shown to influence gut microbiota as well as the hepatic enzyme in question to lower the levels of plasma TMAO. It also lowered inflammatory genes such as TNF-a, E-selectin, and VCAM-1 in harvested aorta in mice.
Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Sabinsa’s founder, said in the release: “While we’ve known that Silbinol’s pterostilbene is a powerful antioxidant, this research has significantly advanced our understanding of its mechanisms of action and benefits for heart health.”