ADM Receives Sustainability Award
ADMreceived an award in the Environmental Initiatives category of the2022 SEAL Business Sustainability Awards.It expanded its regenerative agriculture programs. Its programs support farmers across the continent. The award recognizes exceptional environmental leadership. ADM’s 'Providing Economic and Sustainable Solutions Through Regenerative Agriculture' project supports growers in their transition to regenerative agriculture. This year, the brand collaborated with theNational Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), US Department of Agriculture, PepsiCo, and the Farmers Business Network.Artemis reports prebiotic study findings
Artemis International, Inc., announced the release ofresearchsupporting the prebiotic benefits of its ElderCraft European Black Elderberry extract. The ELDERGUT Study was designed to evaluate the effects of ElderCraft, a polyphenol-standardized extract, on the human gut microbiota. Thirty participants took 300 mg of ElderCraft twice a day for six weeks. The finding, according to the company: ElderCraft induces profound changes in microbial diversity measures (alpha and beta diversity). ElderCraft also was linked to elevated and lasting levels ofAkkermansia muciniphila,a gut bacterial strain associated with human health. No adverse events were reported during the study. “It is becoming increasingly evident that polyphenols have strong prebiotic effects on the human gut microbiota,” said Melanie Bush, VP of Science and Research at Artemis International, in a press release. “This is consistent with increased understanding in the immune health space about the important relationship between gut health and immune health. Other studies have illustrated the immune-boosting and direct anti-viral benefits of ElderCraft. Now, this ELDERGUT study provides additional insight about the gut-health angle of ElderCraft’s immune benefits, further demonstrating its unique multifunctionality.”Gadot targets Holiday Season Stress Busting
In response to increased global trends of acute stress, long-term stress, and anxiety, Ohad Cohen, Chief Executive Officer ofGadot Biochemical Industriesannounced that its Pure Magnesium Bisglycinate is suited for stress-relief and mental performance optimization formulas. Gadot’s Pure Magnesium Bisglycinate, obtained from the renowned Dead Sea, can be formulated in a wide variety of supplements, foods, and beverages (daily dose is 320 mg for women and 420 mg for men). It is Halal Certified, Kosher Certified, and Non-GMO Project Verified. The report found that globally, 46% of respondents plan on improving their mental-well-being, while 41% asserted they will focus on improving energy.Kyolic Garlic extract study results published
Findings published in theInternational Wound Journalrevealed that blood vessel function and vascular response improved with implementation ofKyolic Aged Garlic Extract. After one year, Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging found that those taking Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) experienced a 21.6 percent increase in microvascular perfusion in their extremities compared to those taking the placebo. The study was a parallel, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study of 93 patients between 40 and 75. Each participant underwent a CT scan to confirm established coronary artery atherosclerosis before being randomized to receive either 2,400 mg of AGE or a placebo daily for 12 months.Herbalist & Alchemist's David Winston Honored
The American Herbalists Guild, a non-profit educational organization that represents the goals and voices of herbalists specializing in the medicinal use of plants, has honored Herbalist & Alchemist Founder and President David Winston, RH (AHG) for 31 years of service as Chair and co-founder of the AHG Admissions Review Advisory Committee. According to a press release, the committee: ensures a core level of knowledge and experience in the practice of botanical medicine that reflects a meaningful standard to herbalists themselves, to the general public, and to other health professionals and institutions, indicated by the letters RH(AHG) after an herbalist’s name. Winston commented, "I was honored to be a recognized alongside my collogues and friends Christopher Hobbs and Michael Tierra for our long service. The ARB has worked diligently for 32 years to create meaningful, relatively objective, and fair admissions standards and processes so that we can effectively gauge the qualifications and level of training of applicants for AHG professional membership. Our goal has been to honor all herbal traditions and find ways of understanding a practitioner’s level of competence, knowledge, and experience.”GELITA discusses muscle mass research
New research suggests that supplementing the diet with a mix of GELITA’s bioactive collagen peptides, combining BODYBALANCEâ and TENDOFORTEâ, can increase muscle growth from resistance training by up to 61% (61% increase in the vastus medialis muscle in the upper thigh). That's according to researchers at the School of Sport, Exercise, and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. Those who took collagen peptides also experienced the total volume of their strength-trained quadriceps increase by 38% more compared to the placebo group. The randomized, double-blind control trial was published in the Journal Acta Physiologica. “Our current muscle hypertrophy results are consistent with prior studies that reported greater gains in fat-free mass for collagen peptides vs placebo during resistance training,” the authors reported.TriNutra Black Seed Oil Influences Immunity
TriNutra, which supplies ThymoQuincold-pressed black seed (Nigella sativa) oil standardized to 3% thymoquinone and <2% free fatty acids (FFAs), announced findings of a study published in Food Science & Nutrition Research.The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study determined that endurance athletes supplemented with ThymoQuin showed significant improvement in immune and psychological health. As TriNutra explained, exercise-induced stress can impact the immune system of endurance athletes by increasing upper-respiratory tract complaints and lower mood states. The findings suggest that mediation with ThymoQuin, through the Gut-Immune-Axis, can have a significant positive impact. Experienced marathon runners consumed 500mg daily of black cumin seed oil (ThymoQuin) or a placebo oil for four weeks. During the 4-week treatment period (3 weeks before and one week after an intense endurance run), th ThymoQuin group reported 62% fewer upper-respiratory tract complaints, better overall health, and more positive mood (+11%) when compared to the placebo group. Supplemented runners also had higher levels ofStreptococcus thermophilus(+66%) and lower stress hormone expression (cortisol, -44%), both of which are associated with immune vigilance and psychological mood state, the company reported.Farlong Nutraceuticals shares study results
Farlong Nutraceutical shared study results. The brand conducted a 30-day double blind, placebo-controlled study using InnerPure Colon Detox. The study found that the supplement was safe, effective, and well-tolerated. There were no adverse effects on any organ or negative interactions reported during the study. Participants lost an average of four to five pounds. Researchers found that 100% of participants had a positive impact when taking InnerPure with improvements in their daily bowel movements.Open Book Extracts launches products
Open Book Extractshas launched new edible products by Unlokt from Day Three Labs. Unlokt is a protein-based infusion technology that uses a fully water-soluble powder. The powder can be used in a wide range of formats, ranging from gummies to beverages. The Unlokt technology packs cannabis within a natural protein that shuttles the cannabis directly into the body’s circulation by bypassing first-pass metabolism in the liver, allowing for better absorption.Kerry helps provide milk to children in schools
Over 3,000 children in Burundi now have access to milk as part of their school meal program provided throughKerryand the United Nations World Food Program. The program, Project Amata, was launched in 2020. Its aim is to improve food security and nutrition through strengthening the milk value chain and providing safe and sustainable dairy to communities in the Gitega province, Burundi. Each child receives a portion of milk twice a week as part of their school meal. Kerry is sharing knowledge on dairy farming with Burundian farmers, and supporting them to improve their milk quality and quantity. It hasprovided over 3,000 children with regular dairy products as part of their school lunches, purchased almost 200 tons of milk, and trained over 200 farmers.Solvay appoints Azelis as exclusive distributor
This strengthened distribution partnership comes after 25 years of collaboration in North America between Solvay Aroma Performance and Vigon International. It expands its existing collaboration with Azelis. The brands align with Solvay’s newest growth platform 'Renewable materials and biotechnology' which offers solutions by increasing the share of renewable carbon in the brand's product and developing new business opportunities through biotechnology.
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